Acupuncture Works: Here's the Treatment Plan
Whether you are dealing with stress and anxiety, constant negative side effects from prescription medications, chronic pain, insomnia, difficulties with your mood, environment, or just feeling blocked or stuck in your life, acupuncture works for every patient, every time. Why? Because with the right treatment plan, acupuncture heals the root of the issue, and creates wellness for life.
Of course each patient will have different needs regarding their symptoms and prognosis, some will feel better sooner than others with the same condition - a lot of it depends on the chronicity/severity of the symptom, medical history, lifestyle, and many other factors.
In my practice, I cater treatment plants to every individual, still there is a proven and effective way for people to get the best and most effective results, no matter what the symptoms are.
With acupuncture, you can’t have treatments too close together, but you can have them too far apart. Patients that have them too far apart have their symptoms come back and then we lose our progress.
As a new patient, including the first session which is an intake and first treatment, expect to come in five to six times in the first month - two times the first week and perhaps the second week as well (depending how things are going) in order for symptoms to be held at bay. Then when the body is beginning to hold the treatment progress on its own or better we begin to space treatments to once a week and then once a month.
For patients with acute mild-to-severe symptoms, expect to come in six times before feeling a turn around. For patients with chronic mild-to-severe symptoms, expect to come in at least ten times or more. This is a proven and reliable plan for you to have success over your symptoms and to achieve significant and long lasting results.
Expect to follow a plan like this whether you are a new or a returning patient for your symptoms. We will assess based on your individual chart.
Each treatment you will feel better, and with consistency, you will feel much better overall, living your life again as it was meant to be lived, with more comfort, ease, and control, without suffering any undue negative side effects.
I like to use a Western medicine example: acupuncture is like taking antibiotics. It’s important to take the first dose, and each consecutive dose after that daily until the bottle of antibiotics is finished.
Acupuncture treatments are healing dosages. If you take one dose, you might feel a reprieve or a lessening of symptoms for a day or two, and then you will need to take another round, and not wait till symptoms get worse and more compouded to treat.
Unfortunately this is where many people who “tried acupuncture” say acupuncture “doesn’t work” – it’s because they probably came in once or twice for a more complicated symptom or condition. They may have had improvement after one treatment, but it would not have been enough to ‘fix’ the real problems. The key is consistency, otherwise treatment efficacy is watered down.. With 6-10 or more treatments, I am confident you will have not only results but a better quality of life.
It takes time for the body to raise its chi (the Chinese word for ‘life-force’), to come back into a flow and movement again with life. Eventually the body gets the 20% boost it needs to have an 80% success rate on its own.
Working a treatment plan like this dissolves not only the most major symptoms impeding your life but the tinier, more subsidiary ones as well. It’s the difference between your worst day and your best day.
It’s exciting really, to start feeling and noticing results, which is the best kind of motivation to keep going and stick to a treatment plan. I am excited to work with you and see the results along with you!
I offer free 30-minutes consultations in my office or over the phone.
Click the ‘Book Now’ button to make your appointment. I also take insurance with Aetna, Cigna, and BlueCross/BlueShield. Looking forward to having you in my office soon!